In spirit form, you are a divine being, an angel. In body you express an identical purpose, an earthly equivalent of your spiritual purpose. Come to learn who you are.
Soulwealth Sessions
Soulwealth Sessions combine classical psychology, intuitive psychotherapy, medical intuition and soul memory to identify unconscious physical, emotional, mental and spiritual traumas. Current medical conditions are frequently sourced by previous accidents, illnesses, and toxicity. Emotional and mental pain such as depression, anxiety, anger and compulsions are usually caused by buried physical, emotional, and sexual trauma. Spiritual trauma such as concealed sorcery and black-magic create chaos in health, relationships, marriage, family, career and finances. Yet, in a Soulwealth session, all sources for these issues, conscious and unconscious, are identified and released with prayer and protocols for healing and restoration in all aspects of your life.
“If you are reading this, the universe has brought you to a sacred place of healing and enlightenment. You are blessed! In 1999, I was referred to Susan by my chiropractor as I had “spiritual gifts” showing up and I was lost as to what I was to do with them. Also, there were many pieces of my life that didn’t make any sense to me. In my very first session, Susan took all those pieces and wove them into a spiritual prospective that gave me great peace and understanding. I believe that we know truth when we hear it, and I know that I was receiving truth of my spirit….my soul. Susan is connected to God, to Source at a level that fostered my personal healing and growth in my physical, mental, emotional and financial aspects of my life.”